This modern game teaches collection law and technique that engages and motivates collection professionals. StackUp’s new way of learning utilizes gamification and a fun competition to show collection professionals and managers how their knowledge and skills StackUp to their peers and the industry.
Every morning questions will be released that test and teach your team on various laws and collection skills. Each month, the participant that builds the largest score in the least amount of time wins. A participant can then pick two tests that review the questions they answered throughout the month and showoff what they know to their manager and the industry through certifying in that category, earning accolades, and winning prizes.
The StackUp questions are each worth 2 points for a correct answer and -1 for a wrong answer. The sum of a participants answers makes up the StackUp score along with the time it took to get the right answers. A participant has 30 seconds to answer each question, otherwise they receive a -1. The score is what ranks an individual against their peers and the industry.
A participant got 10 questions correct and 4 wrong and it took them 2 minutes and 15 seconds – the collectors current StackUp Score is 16 with a time of 2:15. The score can go negative if it is applicable.
If the score ends in a tie with another participant the time is what is utilized to determine the winner.
At the beginning of each month a participant can pick two tests by topic that are open for the first 3 business days of the month. These tests will review the questions that were asked throughout the month. If they score over 90% on both tests they get a 40% increase (20% for each test) to their StackUp score.
A StackUp score at the end of the month is 50 with a time of 20 minutes. The StackUp participant takes two tests and scores 90% or higher which gives his/her score a 40% boost. The participant’s new score is 70 with a time of 20 minutes.
One test retake is allowed in the three day period the test is open. The retake can be used for certification and accolades but will not go to improving the participant’s monthly StackUp score.
The game runs on business days only and ends at the end of each month. The game then resets for the following month.
The supervisor/s that oversee/s the participants will have a logon of their own where they can monitor, track progress, submit questions, and earn accolades of their own. They will also have the opportunity to know how the participants registered under their shop are testing, scoring, and what the shop as a whole is struggling on in the laws and techniques taught and tested.